The ubiquity of mobile phones in Nigeria coupled with the ready and economic access has made this telecommunication device available to close to 45 million Nigerians, if not more considering the number of mediated access points through the "umbrella people", shared phones in families and community phones in very deep rural communities.
In view of the lack of awareness concerning where and how victims of human rights violations can access justice from public agencies, Centre for Policy and Development (PolDeC) with a very generous support from the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) is embarking on human rights education as well as linking victims of human rights violations to public agencies that assist victims of human rights violations. In addition, other human rights campaigners as well as non governmental organisations involved in human rights campaigns will also be linked to both public agencies as well as victims.
To jumpstart the process, PolDeC, utilizing the generous support from OSIWA will train the leadership of forty human rights organisations in the use of mobile phones fand Web 2.0 technologies for campaigns and advocacy.